AstroTurf Protesters at the Trial of the Cannabis Plant? – Day 2
Yesterday we posted an article about the dodgy group of protesters outside the Pretoria High Court after linking them to certain organisations and individuals linked to this trial. Today Jules Stobbs of the Dagga Couple made a video of this mob as he returned to the court after a lunch recess. Below is a leaked photograph of the professional catering that was provided to the protesters outside the court at lunchtime (see below). As you... Read More
AstroTurf Protesters at the Trial of the Cannabis Plant? – Day 1
On what was supposed to be the first day of the Trial of the Cannabis Plant at the Pretoria High Court yesterday, a ragtag mob of about thirty predominantly male protesters stood in front of the court shouting rhetorical anti dagga epithets and holding placards with slogans like ‘No to dagga’ , ‘Dagga Ruins Lives’ , ‘Dagga Kills’ etc. What was apparent is that all the placards were produced by one person, having the same... Read More